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#314688 - I went on with my schoolwork on the computer till I felt something brush against my ankle I looked down to see Rose playing footsies with me I didn’t think much of it I just thought it would be a harmless little game so I continued on to pay footsies with her till her hand reached and slid across my inner thigh sending a shudder down my spine I tried not to look at her I went back to my school work like normal then again her hand grasped my inner thigh getting closer to my cock I held my head down looking at the position of her hand our eyes shifted in each others direction I could sense the sexual tension in her eyes as she looked at me her eyes fixating at me while smacking her lips sensually all of these actions in a brief few seconds. As class went on we started talking Rose started asking me if I was a virgin and how many times ive had sex she then went on to tell me that she has fucked half the guys at school. My mind took me back to the last time I interacted with Rose I mus

Read Step Fantasy Onnanoko ga Inemuri shiteru Futanari Onee-san ni Itazura shichau Hon - Original Naked Women Fucking Onnanoko ga Inemuri shiteru Futanari Onee-san ni Itazura shichau Hon

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Parsee mizuhashi
Love you babe
Taihei doma
Beautiful white girl perfect for this bbc
Very hot 3some
Poundhard they just jealous they have to jack off to the grind lol what a shame